Terms & Conditions

REVISED & UPDATED: 01.01.2025 at 10.00AM

Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully, before using the expresscarrental.pt website (the “Service”), operated by ETM - Express Tours & Management Services, Unip Lda, trading as EXPRESS CAR RENTAL.

Your access, and use of the Service, is conditioned on your acceptance and compliance with these Terms. These Terms apply to all visitors, users and others who access or use the service.

By accessing or using the Service you agree to be bound by these Terms.

 1. Domain ownership www.expresscarrental.pt

The website www.expresscarrental.pt is registered and owned by the company ETM, under the NIF 510 870 813, the entity responsible for www.expresscarrental.pt

For any clarification you can contact the EXPRESS CAR RENTAL Customer Service:

  • Email: booking@expresscarrental.pt, booking.expresscarrental@gmail.com

2. General Rental Conditions

ETM, hereby rents to the lessee who signed the vehicle described in the terms and conditions of this document pursuant to which, the customer acknowledges and agrees.
1) The lessee received the vehicle in perfect condition.
2) The said vehicle will only be driven by the lessee and will not be used:
A. For transportation of goods in violation of customs regulations or in any way illegal;
B. For the transportation of goods or passengers in exchange for any remuneration or compensation, implicit or explicit;
C. To pull or push any vehicle or trailer and for sports events;
D. By anyone under the influence of alcohol or narcotics.
E. To change any parts on the vehicle, mechanical ou aesthetic, in any way that changes it’s current condition.
F.In any way that might damage any component of the vehicle.
3) The minimum age of the driver is 21 years old. Driving license valid in Portugal with a minimum of 1 year of experience.
4) The vehicle is delivered with a sticker identifying the company (EXPRESS CAR RENTAL) stamped on the rear window, signaling triangle and a sealed odometer, normal tools, a spare wheel or similar sistem, booklet and title deed of ownership or U.S.A. Green insurance card and inspection form;
A.In case of total or partial loss or destruction of the vehicle’s documentation, peripherals and/or car keys by the lessee, the lessee may be obliged to compensate the rental company for the inherent losses, namely for the expenses resulting from the issue of second copies of documentation, administrative expenses and/or replacement of parts by the Rental company.
5) Prices do not include: Fuel, washing, fines and in the event of an accident towing the vehicle to the original rental station: the rates do not include expenses for collision compensation. The lessee is responsible for the maintenance of the vehicle and their respective equipment, during the entire rental period, and must check the oil and fuel levels, water and the tire pressure in particular, but not restricted to. In case of excess dirt (indoor or outdoor) a cleaning fee of 50€ will be applied. In the case of the vehicle having a fine, the Lessee must pay an additional 5€ fee for fines up to 7,00€, and 10€ fee for fines above 7,00€, for administrative services, on top of the value of the fine itself.
6) Prices include the expenses paid by the lessee for the maintenance of the car and oils, duly justified with receipts on behalf of ETM. Expenses over € 15.00 will be refunded when previously authorized by the rental company.
7) Website prices includes  basic liability insurance CDW. With this cover it will be required a DEPOSIT of 2000,00€, refundable (minus bank transaction fee). Except in the evidence of any accident or any damage caused to the vehicle (applies to minor or large damages). In such circunstances the lessee will loose entire amount. Alternatively, The lessee can choose the "PREMIUM INSURANCE COVER" - (SCDW) for extra cover protection. With this insurance the lessee is NOT required to leave any DEPOSIT. This insurance does not inhibit the lessee from paying damages caused due to speeding, driving under the influence of alcohol or narcotics, breaking the traffic rules, any act of vandalism, breaking the contract or due to any negligence act. With SCDW insurance applies an excess penalty of 400,00€  maximum  in any case of accident/damage, applies for Group A-B-C vehicles. For Group D and superior applies 500,00€.  IMPORTANT: In the event of reckless, careless, irresponsible driving, neither CDW or SCDW insurance has effect, and the lessee should pay ETM for all cost of repair or any losses, as well as compensation corresponding to the time of stoppage of the damaged vehicle. Such circunstances ETM is not obligated to supply other vehicle neither reimburse the lessee for any remaining unused days of rental. Damage caused by gross negligence is also not covered, total repair cost will apply. Other exclusions: The lessee who opted with either CDW or SCDW will apply a fee for: Filling up with the wrong fuel: 300€; Loss of documents or fuel card: 150€; Loss of keys: 300€; Full discharge of the electric vehicle: 300€;
Loss or damage to electrical cables: 500€; Engine/Gearbox/Clutch damage (not covered by CDW or SCDW)
– value varies for each vehicle model, minimum  of 1.200€ + Tax will apply ; Loss of keys – Price vary as followed: Fiat Panda/500/500c/Punto: 350€; Renault Clio/Opel Corsa/Dacia/VW Polo/Seat. Ibiza/Citroen/Peugeot 208: 500€. Damage caused to the battery of the vehicle due to excess usage during night, like camping or sleeping in the interior of the vehicle will apply a penalty of 300€ + 85€ for the road assistance. Excessive dirty in the interior of the vehicle will apply a cleaning charge of 50€.
8) The rental ends on the day and hour fixed by the lessee. If the lessee wishes to extend the rental period, the lessee must go to the nearest EXPRESS CAR RENTAL offices to update the rental contract 24 hours before it ends. In the event that there is no such consent, the vehicle is considered to be used without authorization and against the will of it’s owner, the fact being punished by law, and the responsibility of the driver, with a default rate of 75€ plus the rental day value and insurance. Even that the contract signed has a validity of 24h, any client that has a contract that surpasses 1h (one hour) after the agreed end will need to pay the fees refered to before, unless agreed by both parts.
9) If the lessee violates the Rental Agreement, ETM, may immediately cease the same and without prior notice, and recover the vehicle in any premises or location, the lessee will indemnify ETM against all actions, complaints, costs and consequential or recurring damages of this same recovery and withdrawal.
10) The estimated cost of the rental must be paid at the beginning of the rental, based on the cost of the daily rate, plus 100 km per day, or unlimited mileage. A refundable deposit should also be left in the amount of the insurance deductible, to cover any damages.
11) The lessee further agrees to protect the interests of the renter and the rental insurance company in the event of an accident during the rental period and as follows:
A. Obtaining the names and addresses of the persons involved and witnesses;
B. Not pleading responsible or guilty;
C. Not abandoning said vehicle without taking the appropriate measures to protect and safeguard it;
D. Notifying the police immediately;
12) In the event of an accident, loss, damage or theft, the occurrence must be immediately reported to the competent police authorities and EXPRESS CAR RENTAL within the next 24 hours. The lessee is obliged to complete the friendly accident declaration with as much data as possible, otherwise, the basic mandatory insurance and SCDW insurance options will be considered null and void. The lessee undertakes to cooperate with EXPRESS CAR RENTAL and its insurers in any subsequent investigation or legal proceeding.
13) Any editions or changes to the terms and conditions of this document will be void unless they have been agreed in writing.
14) The rental contract is made with the laws of the country in which it is signed and governed by them. Both parties now agree that the resolution of any dispute arising from this contract, the Judicial Court of the District of Funchal will be competent, unless it involves serious inconveniences for one of the parties, without the interests of the other justifying it.
15) ETM (EXPRESS CAR RENTAL), is not responsible for accidents that are not reported to the police. Basic mandatory insurance CDW or SCDW does not cover damage to tires, windows and locks, mirrors, convertible roofs as well as accidents caused by speeding, and or damage caused by the effects of alcohol or drugs.
16) The lessee consents to the storage and processing by ETM of his personal data contained in this rental agreement, and also in the communication of said data in the group companies, for the same collection purposes, including statistical analysis, commercialization of ETM and credit control. In the event of a breach of this contract by the lessee, your personal data may be revealed or communicated to third parties to the extent necessary to recover the losses inherent in the breach.
17) ETM (Express Car Rental) is not responsible to the lessee or any passenger for the loss or damage caused to personal property carried or left in the vehicle, either during the rental period , or after the same.
18) The lessee must return the vehicle with the same level of fuel. If lower, a fee of 25 € will be charged for each 1/4 of missing fuel tank.
19) Premature delivery of the vehicle will not incur a refund of the amount paid for the rental. Returns via website regarding the withdrawal of reservations will not be refundable. All reserve cancellations made in store will also not be refundable.
20) Payments: We only accept debit or credit card. Money is not accepted in payments, with exceptions. We only accept credit or debit cards in deposit bond except for American express cards.
21) Trailers are supported by Madeira ETM, except in situations where the lessee has been negligent, such as: key loss, battery failure due to forgetting lights or radio on while parking or any other type of damage resulted from negligence, lack of fuel/switch of fuels, jam off tar roads and other similar situations. In this cases the lessee must pay 100€ for the trailer ́s support, not covered by the SCDW or basic mandatory insurance.
22) This contract governs the contractual conditions relating to the reservation made, only for cases that have occurred, where ETM provided the lessee, on paper or other durable medium, in a timely manner and prior to its execution, containing the mandatory information for it.

23) Data Protection: The lessee authorizes entering persoanl data in a file of the EXPRESS CAR RENTAL for its processing within the scope of the purchase of this contract, and for marketing purposes, client satisfaction surveys and to inform about products, services according and abiding to the general data protection regulation (law nº58/2019, from 08th Of August). The lessee may exercise their rights over their data, provided for by law, by mailing a registered letter adresed to EXPRESS CAR RENTAL, Vivenda Freitas, Sitio da Qta Lote 10, Est. do Cristo Rei, Garajau - 9125-057 Santa Cruz - Madeira, or by email: booking@expresscarrental.pt.

24) Vehicle Pricing: All our vehicles announced at our corporate site, WWW.EXPRESSCARRENTAL.PT has Tax @22% (Iva) included on the vehicle pricing. It excludes the daily cost for the SCDW insurance cover, and will be charged separately. Prices may be altered according to season and without previous warning.

25) Insurance Pricing: All our Insurance Covers: CDW as a basic extra daily cost of 10€ per day and SCDW 20€. These amounts will be charged separately in the company Invoice. These Insurance covers are not subject of Local Tax, exempt in accordance to Art. 09 of the CIVA code of Portugal Tax Office. Prices may be altered according to season and without previous warning.

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